Monday, 24 September 2012

Dolce & Gabbana Uomini book photos by Mariano Vivanco

Theres some great male body shots in the Dolce & Gabbana book Uomini. Shot by photographer Mariano Vivanco and published by Rizzoli May be this is the book to show the naked make body can be art and not just porn !?
Uomini is the Italian word for men and this book contains shots of some of the best known men from the world of male modeling. Including David Gandy, Tony Ward, Noah Mills, Doug porter etc etc.

Sunday, 23 September 2012

Brian Hatton English artist 1887-1916

                                                           Brian Hatton Self portrait.

I recently discovered the paintings of the English artist Brian Hatton. His short artistic life (1887-1916 ), was cut short when he was killed in action in the first world war. What a sad waste of a young life. But he has left us some really nice paintings. You can see more of his work and the web site about him at ...

Saturday, 22 September 2012

Kai Z Feng shoot for Out magazine

Photographer Kai Z Feng shoot for the September issue of Out magazine styled by Grant Woolhead.

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Hardy Amies meswear collection winter 2012/13

                        A very sharp menswear Aut/Winter 2012/13 collection by Hardy Amies.


Paolo Roversi for Man about town magazine

Photographer Paolo Roversi always creates stunningly beautiful images This recent shoot for Man about town magazine is no exception.

Mert & Marcus shoot Calvin Klein Euphoria

Top fashion photographers Mert Atlas & Marcus Piggott shoot Myles Crosby for Calvin Klein  Euphoria Fragrance ads.

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

HMS Windrush West Indian Style

I think this shot dates from around 1948. When the first West Indian immigrants to the UK started arriving on ships like HMS Windrush. They look so cool and have such a sense of style.